Sometimes we get wrapped up in the "needs" of the school year thinking that it's really a new outfit, a backpack, pencils and paper an we forget that really the "need" is not to forget that we are our child's first teacher in life and what we really "need" to do is start our kid's off on the right foot. Give them a foundation before throwing them into the school setting. If you have been a follower from the beginning you probably have an idea of how strongly I feel our role is in our children's lives. Also, the beliefs that we should always use teachable moments and being our child's advocate. Well, I just thought it was a good time to share some things that have been a help in our house to get Riley the Preschooler off to her first year of school.
Encouragement is Key! So one day we surprised Riley with a starting school gift. Not expensive and of course with purpose. The fun item was a Team Umizoomi Activity Book. If you haven't heard of this show, click the link now! I'll wait here. It's a great math for beginners, with patterns and measurements. Love it! With that I picked up 2 dry erase boards, markers, erasers & a cute little pen case (All Under $7) and a "Wipe-Clean" Printing Practice Workbook. The point was to get Riley excited an wanting to learn on her own before class even started.
We don't push her to do it, we let her push us. What I mean is it's all bundled together and where she can get it and whenever she wants to we let her come to use with the words she wants to learn. I'm very impressed! You never know what words your little one even knows until they want you to spell them. I personally liked when she asked to work on the seasons the most. The best thing about using dry erase board is it cuts down the frustration. Riley can just wipe whatever letter or word and start again, no big. No eraser bits, no wasting papers.
To grow with the changing times us parents also have to adapted to allow electronics into our kid's lives. I personally just feel this if used right can be another way to sneak some teaching in. To be honest am not really big fan of television so prefer I know it buys my a shower break without walking into hurricane. LOL!
*Image straight from email updates*
After trying out a free-app once upon a phone I discovered a great cell phone item was much more then that. Zoodles! This really is a amazing FREE or pay, up to you item for whatever device you want. Every week I get emails of what my child was up to and how the learning breakdown went. Fun thing is lots of parent controls, if she's using it on the computer she can't leave it until someone types quit for her. Honestly, there is lots to keep your child's mind going even if just on free mode. If you have multiple kid's no worries. each child has a log-in, all they have to do is click on their picture. Another perk is the emails with all the artwork attached, always the option to save or share.
A few other things we've been working on this summer was coin counting and scissor work, of course awesome Pinterest would have yet a few more sites to help with, so let me share them with you: Scissor Skills, some print sheets for them to practice cutting lines & From Mrs. Prince & Co: The Trading Game, Money Style. We had to adapt the game a little but Riley is now understanding 5 pennies equal a nickel and how her face lights up when you say how much to make a quarter! It's cute, an like I said worth a shot.
Let me also put this in your head while were at it, remember your child is never to young to start learning and it never hurts to try. We are working on the K-1st Grade level most of the time and she loves it. Children love challenges and praise, so what if it doesn't work out, try, try again...just make sure you are making it fun and positive and then your child will want to do it, no force needed. Positive reinforcement goes far.
Oh & if you were wondering, of course we got that all to important 1st day of school picture & I'm happy to share it. ;)
Sign was thanks to the crafty ladies at-

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